Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Mosque at Ground Zero? Are You Kidding Me?

Yeah, I know I'm a little late weighing in on this but I decided I'd go ahead and throw in my two cents. Building a mosque at the site where 2,977 people were murdered in the name of Islam is in effect pissing on the grave of all of those innocent people that perished that day. This is not an argument of religious freedom as some would lead you to believe, nor is it a "step in the right direction" towards religious tolerance. Nobody is arguing that Muslims shouldn't be able to freely practice their religion. If a muslim wants to lay his prayer mat down on the sidewalk in front of Ground Zero and pray to Allah, fine, he is free to do as he wishes. Do NOT, however, build freaking mosque roughly 600 feet from where these people were murdered in the name of Islam in the same building that the landing gear from United 175 was found after the crash. They could just as easy find a different location that is not sitting on Ground Zero, but they won't because they want to rub salt in the wound. If they could have gotten away with it they would have started construction on 9/12, but they are not quite that stupid because that would have exposed their true intentions.
Its time to stop walking on eggshels and speak up. Political corretness is the whole reason that the mosque plans have come as far as they have, because we are afraid that we say "Wait a second, building a mosque at the place where thousands of people were killed at the hands of Islamic terrorists may not be the most respectable or couth thing to do," that we will be labeled as Islamophobic. Call it what you will, but the mere idea of a mosque at Ground Zero is an absolute abomination

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