Sunday, September 12, 2010

Thoughts on Radical Islam

I've been on Drudge all day waiting for something to come up that interests me, but I have come up dry. Instead, I have decided to discuss something that I have been thinking about quite a bit lately. Radical Islam.
I have come to the conclusion that radical Islam is not something that will cease to exist in any of our lifetimes.
Children are indoctrinated from the time that they are born to hate Jews, Christians, and anyone who does not subscribe to their brand of Islam. Cartoons are filled with usually blatant messages about how Jews are pigs and how the Zionists are occupying muslim land. One cartoon that I have seen portrays a character with a striking resemblence to Mickey Mouse telling kids to martyr themselves and kill Jews. Kids as young as two years old are taught to recite propoganda on video discussing martyrdom and hatred of Jews. It is utterly sickening.
The other thing is that these people, culturally, are still stuck in the seventh century or so. They are barbarians. If you steal something, they will cut off your hand. If you look at another man's wife, your eye will be literally cut out. If you are not a Muslim and you won't convert, they will cut off your head with a dull machete. If you are accused of committing adultery, you will be stoned to death. No they do not make you smoke alot of pot, they throw rocks at you until you die. To make it worse, someone had the brilliant idea to sell these nice folks guns and equip them with the knowledge of how to make things explode. Now why would anyone do that? Well, I guess money talks. Im just saying it would make it easier on us and the rest of the world if they were only swinging sticks and throwing rocks. Oh well, we have bigger guns than them anyway. Wait, we also have soldiers rotting in jails for using guns in the course of their duty. Michael Behenna, anyone?

1 comment:

  1. This video is a perfect example of what is wrong with these peoples culture. It goes to show how ignorant they are. These children are brainwashed. There are parallels here to cultures being cultivated at this moment in the US. The only difference is that the erosion here is more subverted.
