Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Thoughts/Questions about POTUS

No news or anything this time, just some things that I have been thinking about lately. I made a list of a few of them.

1. Why is his nose pointed in the air EVERYTIME he speaks- Is it pure coincidence, or does his body language give away his arrogance?

2. Does he not believe in American exceptionalism- Whats with the world apology tour? It just makes us look weak and soft.

3. Why did he leave out the three words "by their creator" when saying "All men are created equal endowed with certain inalienable rights- life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness?"

4. You've heard of activist judges and activist legislators. I think we are now seeing an activist president. ex- Don't Ask Don't Tell with an amnesty bill attached in the middle of an economic crisis, attempt to shut down gitmo as soon as he takes office, etc.

5. Why is the President of the United States going on tv shows such as Letterman, Leno, and The View?

6. Why is he concerned with what people such as Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin and others in talk radio and the blogosphere are saying about him?

I could list about a million more but I'm done for now.

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