Wednesday, August 5, 2009


So it appears that the Obama "birther" movement is still going strong. For those of you who dont know about the "birthers," they are a group of people who are still hung up on the question of whether Obama was really born in Hawaii like he claims, or Kenya as many in the birther movement allege.
I read a column on by Chuck Norris, in which Chuck suggested that Obama make public his birth certificate so that we can move on and the birthers can dry up about it. Seems easy enough; I mean if you have nothing to hide, then why not?
Dont get me wrong, Im no-where close to a fan of Mr. Obama, but he is already in office, and I really dont think that his place of birth makes a whole hell of a lot of difference now. I think their efforts could be better used in speaking out against Obamas inevitable tax hikes that he promised would not happen.

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