Thursday, May 5, 2011


Why is it that we are pussyfooting around with this bin Laden issue? We can't see the photos of bin Laden's body because it might incite violence. Are you freaking kidding me!? These people already have a complete disregard for human life and are actively looking to kill Americans whether or not we release a photo of bin Laden's corpse. Lets think back to Daniel Pearl, shall we? He was the journalist from the Wall Street Journal who was kidnapped back in 2002. If you will remember, after his kidnapping, his captors made a propoganda video of him basically denouncing US foreign policy. At the end of the video they cut his throat and eventually behead him. Now I haven't seen the video, because I have no desire to watch someone lose their head. I just dont understand why our government doesn't grow a pair! The enemy would never in a million years give us the same respect that our President is giving them. The same President that was quick to demand the release of so called "prisoner abuse" photos that were taken at Abu Ghraib! There is only one legitimate reason I can come up with to not release the picture, and that is to keep children from seeing it.
Then we have the burial issue. Where do I start? Am I the only one outraged that we gave this mass murderer terrorist a "proper" muslim burial? I would just as soon wipe the bastard off with a pork loin instead of a sponge and then kick him with my boot off the edge of the ship! After all, these people will kill you and bury you in a mass grave, probably that they have previously used for a latrine, and would never think twice about it.

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